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Retirement Seminar

Are you retiring in the next 10 years?

If so, this free seminar is for you!

On Tuesday, October 24, 2017 in the North Attleboro Middle School Cafeteria at 3:30PM:  564 Landry Ave, North Attleboro.

Please register at the seminar by emailing Nicole Reminder, Union President, at to ensure that we have enough handouts for everyone.

Topics of Discussion

v  Understanding state retirement options

v  Social Security and Medicare benefits

v  State tax benefits

v  Understanding the penalties of Social Security (WEP, GPO)

v  Calculating pension benefits

v  Understanding Medicare penalties and surcharge

v  Protection of major assets

v  Legal checklist

v  Health insurance benefits

v  And many more

Seminar is open to all school employees!

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