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NAFT Endorsed Candidates for Town Council

Please remember to vote on June 18th!  The following candidates are endorsed by the NAFT for their commitment to our shared values.

From the Endorsement Committee:

The upcoming June 18th Town Council election is extraordinarily important to our members. Due to the unusually large pool of potential candidates, the Executive Board decided to attempt to provide reliable information regarding those candidates and how their election might impact the professional lives of our members. 

We realize that your vote is a private and personal affair, and that many factors are to be considered as you make your decisions.  We simply ask that you add our evaluations as input into your choices on what we believe will be a very important day for the future of the Town of North Attleborough. 

The NAFT Endorsement Committee met in May over the course of three nights, in addition to many electronic correspondences, with 11 of the 19 Town Council candidates who were willing to answer our questions regarding their views and goals as potential Town Councilors.   

In addition to the 6 questions in our initial mailing to them, we engaged them in more wide-ranging, face to face discussions at the NAFT office. 

The questions we asked are attached, and if you would like more details about the individual candidates, you can find links to their campaign media accounts  listed below, on our Facebook page, and on our website.

In several instances as our discussions progressed, we were able to educate candidates on our Union’s perspective regarding issues such as charter schools, school building concerns, etc. 

The Committee ( Derek Herber, Heather L. Johnson, Jessica Davis, Laura Meegan and Michael Stetkiewicz, with help from AFTMA Field Rep Eric Blanchet) found that while all were quality candidates, 9 were especially compelling, and held viewpoints on a range of concerns that corresponded most closely with those of the NAFT.  We believe those 9 would be best suited to drive the Town forward along the trajectory initiated by our recent Override. 

This list of those candidates is in the order in which they will appear on a very long ballot list.

●      Michael S. Lennox

●      Darius Gregory-no social media sites, but answers are attached

●      Jo Ann Cathcart -

●      Gregory L. Weishaar

●      Shea T. Kiley

●      Adam J. Scanlon

●      Keith Paul LaPointe

●      John D. Simmons…

●      Justin Pare


Thank you for considering the concerns of our Union when you make those very important choices on June 18th!


The Endorsement Committee

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